Auteur: admin

  • Samsung SMART Program Fail Cnt Total (parameter B5)

    So.. I got a SMART fail count of 43696827 on a Samsung HD204UI drive in my NAS. That could/should be bad..

    For the record, the complete SMART info on my ReadyNas is:

    Model: SAMSUNG HD204UI
     Serial:   SxHxJxKBxxxxxx
     Firmware: 1AQ10001
    SMART Attribute
     Raw Read Error Rate           32
     Throughput Performance         0
     Spin Up Time               10147
     Start Stop Count             687
     Reallocated Sector Count       0
     Seek Error Rate                0
     Seek Time Performance          0
     Power On Hours             45428
     Spin Retry Count               0
     Calibration Retry Count        0
     Power Cycle Count             62
     Program Fail Cnt Total  43696827
     G-Sense Error Rate            28
     Power-Off Retract Count        0
     Temperature Celsius           28
     Hardware ECC Recovered         0
     Reallocated Event Count        0
     Current Pending Sector         0
     Offline Uncorrectable          0
     UDMA CRC Error Count           0
     Multi Zone Error Rate          4
     Load Retry Count               0
     Load Cycle Count             687
     ATA Error Count                0

    Raw Read Error Rate non-zero, just over five years of use. Time to replace or what?
    Just a fun fact, I have an identical drive in the same NAS, with the same (difference less than 100) number for this SMART Parameter B5, with a raw read error rate of 0.

    Time to pay attention to this firmware update: Nope, my drives were manufactured after december 2010, and after that date, no new firmware was released for these drives.

    I’ll just live with it, backup (more) often and perhaps, I’ll replace a disk (or two)..